Friday, February 15, 2013


As salaamu-alaykum (peace and blessings be upon you) to one and all

WELCOME beautiful ladies of the world!!! (ahlan wa sahlan wa marhaban bikum)

Bismillahirahmaaniraheem - In the name of Allah (God) the Beneficent, The Merciful

For all intents and purposes you can call me masala madam. The name masala madam was given to me by a group of friends who said that I add spice to every situation. I just like the sound of it. lol. It has a certain ring to it.

Anyways I am a psychology student in Gauteng, South Africa and I just absolutely love love love helping others in any way that I can. I am also a great listener. I have started this blog with the intention of helping women out there who want/need advice, who want /need to be heard and who want/need to be part of a larger community of women with whom they can share their thoughts, feelings, ideas, etc. Basically this is a platform for women to be there for each other and to support each other in any way possible. We can share sayings, jokes, poems, fashion tips, ahaadith, recipes, household tips, survival skills and the list is endless. This blog is open to all women out there whether you are muslim or non-muslim, black or white, young or old, etc. All females welcome!

I pray that Allah (God) keeps my intentions pure always and helps me to help others and make a difference in the world in what ever small way I can. Ameen. If any good comes of this it's from Allah (God) and if any bad comes from this it's from me and I ask Allah (God) to forgive me and guide me. Ameen :)

Lots of Love: Masala Madam

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